Every milestone is a reason to celebrate, and this milestone gives us extra cause for celebration! Noah ran his race well this past year, as he worked hard to establish a foundation, not only leading to healthy self-sufficiency for himself, but investing in the lives of his peers so they can succeed too.
Staff, friends, and fellow participants gathered at Braking Cycles Coffee and Bike Shop Saturday to celebrate this amazing young man. Each person eagerly shared moments, memories, and qualities they especially appreciate about Noah. The buzz of excitement and the theme of conversation was undeniable; Noah is a leader, and we were all thrilled to be a part of imparting encouragement as he received his Certificate of Graduation and a brand-new job description of a Transitional Youth Peer Ambassador.

What is a Peer Ambassador? A Peer Ambassador is a very special (paid) position within Transitional Youth, set apart for youth who successfully complete the 12-month residential program, and who are ready to take on a role of leadership among their peers. This isn’t a position for everyone, but certainly for a select few who are committed to saying yes to a challenge that will change them on even deeper levels of excellence and integrity. Noah exudes leadership qualities, and even more, he carries a humble heart that he takes into every difficult situation. This kind of leadership not only disarms fear in his peers, but it also creates a credibility that gives Noah favor in the challenging moments when character simply speaks for itself. Noah’s peers trust him, not because he makes things easy for them, but because he has done, and is doing, the hard work, he is a man of his word, and he walks in truth. This is an example to follow, no matter what your age.
We are honored to have Noah join the Transitional Youth team, and we are excited to see the amazing plans God has in store for him as he humbly and passionately pursues the heart of God for his future. Please join us in congratulating Noah for his successful completion and graduation, and his new position as Peer Ambassador! Welcome to the TY Team, Noah!
Do not let people look down on you because you are young, but instead, set an example to the believers in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. -1 Timothy 4:12